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Monthly Archives: November 2011

I’m going to present the items of an experiment, here in reference to the Seven-to-Ten of Swords. These factors have no direct relation to the other ‘higher’ Sword-Numbers, which portray matters ‘above-and-beyond’ these simple points. The experiment and its results are “disturbing”, but the outline of events are very salient to comprehending the ‘lower’ Sword-Numbers.

   The 7 Swords
a) A group of scientists placed 5 monkeys in a cage and, in the middle, a ladder with bananas on the top.
b) Every time a monkey went up the ladder, the scientists soaked the rest of the monkeys with cold water.
c) After a while, every time a monkey went up the ladder, the others beat up the one on the ladder.

       The 8 & 9 Swords
d) After some time, no monkey dare to go up the ladder regardless of the temptation.
e) Scientists then decided to substitute one of the monkeys. The 1st thing this new monkey did was to go up the ladder. Immediately the other monkeys beat him up.
f) After several beatings, the new member learned not to climb the ladder even though it never knew why.
g) A 2nd monkey was substituted and the same occurred. The 1st monkey participated on the beating of the 2nd monkey. A 3rd monkey was changed and the same was repeated (beating). The 4th was substituted and the beating was repeated and finally the 5th monkey was replaced.

    The 10 Swords
h) What was left was a group of 5 monkeys that even though never received a cold shower, continued to beat up any monkey who attempted to climb the ladder.
x) Then the speculation:
If it was possible to ask the monkeys why they would beat up all those who attempted to go up the ladder….. I bet you the answer would be…. “I don’t know – that’s how things are done around here”
Does that sound familiar?
Why do we continue to do what we are doing if there is a different way out there.
If it appears that I have ‘robbed’ these ‘lower’ Number Cards of any “spirituality”, then I was successful. In dealing with the Seven-to-Ten of any Suite, any so-called “spiritual” considerations must remain very auxiliary to the primary implication of the card’s appearance in a reading.
